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O `QAYSI Sean (O` Casey Sean)

( Irish playwright, controversial, radical clerics, the representative of the Irish literary revival of the early 20.)

Comments for O `QAYSI Sean (O` Casey Sean)
Biography O `QAYSI Sean (O` Casey Sean)
Born March 30, 1880 in Dublin, in a Protestant family, was called in baptism by John Casey. Because of poor eyesight was unable to attend school, but in 14 years, taught himself to read and write. At the beginning of the century O'Casey took an active part in the activities of the Irish Republican Brotherhood and Gaelskoy League, changed his name to Sean O'Ketesayg. By the age of thirty, he became disillusioned with Irish nationalism, and his sympathies were amenable to the Irish labor movement led by Dzh.Larkinym. Over the years O'Casey changed many trades - was a janitor, an apprentice bricklayer, unskilled laborer - and rightfully joined the Union Transport and General Workers, created Larkin
. The first to see the light of works by O'Casey became a victim of the story of Thomas Ashe (The Sacrifice of Thomas Ash, . 1918) on the martyrdom of members of the national-liberation uprising of 1916, . and a collection of satirical ballads songs bead (Songs of Wren, . 1918),
. Behind them followed the history of the Irish Civil Army (The Story of the Irish Citizen Army, 1919). The first three of the play writer 'Theater of the Abbey' refused, but the fourth, Shadow Arrow (The Shadow of a Gunman), set in 1923. Under the new name O'Casey at the same theater were set and the two most popular of his plays - Juno and the peacock (Juno and the paycock) and the Plow and Stars (The Plough and the Stars). Production last play provoked a stormy row, and O'Casey, outraged attacking patriots and intellectuals, left Ireland in 1926 and moved to England, where he spent the remaining years. O'Casey died in Torquay (England), September 18, 1964

. O'Casey became a playwright without a theater, . and most of his plays were published before their production: Over the fence (Within the Gates, . 1933), . Star turns red (The Star Turns Red, . 1940), . Purple dust (Purple Dust, . 1940), . Red roses for me (Red Roses for Me, . 1942), . Oak Leaves and Lavender (Oak Leaves and Lavender, . 1946), . Cock-dandy (Cock-a-doodle, . 1949), . Bonfire Bishop (The Bishop's Bonfire, . 1955) and Drums of Father Ned (The Drums of Father Ned, . 1958),

. In 1939 the first book of the monumental six-volume autobiographical novel, I knocked at the door (I Knock at the Door), . it was followed on the threshold (Pictures in the Hallway, . 1942), . Drums under the window (Drums Under the Window, . 1946), . Farewell, . Ireland (Inishfallen Fare Thee Well, . 1949), . Rose and Crown (Rose and Crown, . 1952), . Sunset and Evening Star (Sunset and Evening Star, . 1954),
. In 1934 a book was published windfall (Windfalls), which included poems, short stories and one-act plays. Articles O'Casey on theater and drama collections assembled in the wasp flying (Flying Wasp, 1937), Green Crow (The Green Crow, 1956) and under color cap (Under a Colored Cap, 1963).

O'Casey - genius tragicomedy; to human suffering, he responds with laughter and satirical at the same time genuine sympathy. Everyday speech Dublin man in the street he was able to give vivid expression and poetic imagery. Starting with the pacifist tragicomedy, O'Casey to mid-life moves to create unrealistic and prophetic dramas with a moral focus, which in the end give way to bright comedy-fantasies.

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O `QAYSI Sean (O` Casey Sean), photo, biography
O `QAYSI Sean (O` Casey Sean), photo, biography O `QAYSI Sean (O` Casey Sean)  Irish playwright, controversial, radical clerics, the representative of the Irish literary revival of the early 20., photo, biography
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